Noi vallakozok_angolul





Recently, women entrepreneurship has been a topic of interest and discussion in our country. The Department of Ergonomics and Psychology of  Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest) cooperating with University Center of Conflict Management and Organizational Research  (Sofia) has created a research program.


The recent questionnaire is part of this project which aims to examine the attitudes of the society towards women entrepreneurs.


Please, read carefully each statement and decide the direction and the extent to which each statement correspond to your opinion. 


The survey is entirely anonymous so you can be free to respond with your personal views.


Please, express your opinion on the five-point scale (from 1 to 5) where 5 represents strong agreement and 1 strong disagreement.

·         If you strongly agree with the statement place an “X” on the number 5 (click on 5).

·         If you agree somewhat with the statement place an “X” on (click on 4).

·         If you are uncertain or have no opinion place an “X” on 3 (click on 3).

·         If you disagree somewhat place an “X” on (click on 2). 

·         If you strongly disagree with the statement place an “X” on 1 (click on 1).  


Please, express your own views and be not influenced by other people’s opinions.  


This study is anonymous which is why we ask you not to write your name on it!




If you have questions or you would like to write your opinion about the questionnaire, feel free to contact us:


Department of Ergonomics and Psychology, BUTE




Recently, women entrepreneurship has been a topic of interest and discussion in our country. The Department of Ergonomics and Psychology of  Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest) cooperating with University Center of Conflict Management and Organizational Research  (Sofia) has created a research program.


The recent questionnaire is part of this project which aims to examine the attitudes of the society towards women entrepreneurs.


Please, read carefully each statement and decide the direction and the extent to which each statement correspond to your opinion. 


The survey is entirely anonymous so you can be free to respond with your personal views.


Please, express your opinion on the five-point scale (from 1 to 5) where 5 represents strong agreement and 1 strong disagreement.

·         If you strongly agree with the statement place an “X” on the number 5 (click on 5).

·         If you agree somewhat with the statement place an “X” on (click on 4).

·         If you are uncertain or have no opinion place an “X” on 3 (click on 3).

·         If you disagree somewhat place an “X” on (click on 2). 

·         If you strongly disagree with the statement place an “X” on 1 (click on 1).  


Please, express your own views and be not influenced by other people’s opinions.  


This study is anonymous which is why we ask you not to write your name on it!




If you have questions or you would like to write your opinion about the questionnaire, feel free to contact us:


Department of Ergonomics and Psychology, BUTE


There are 121 questions in this survey.