DISCO SMS 1. Kick-Off meeting - on-line

25-26. November 2024.  - On-line

Dear partners,

This questionnaire should give you the opportunity to express some feedback on the DISCO SMS 1. Kick-off partner meeting On-line.

Your opinion is very valuable for the coordinator as well as for the whole project group in order to successfully continue with this project. Of course, we are aware that completing questionnaires is not always a pleasure only, nevertheless, it is necessary for improving the quality of the project and its intellectual products - and as such this evaluation is an integrated part of the project work plan.

Please be so kind as to answer all questions by providing feedback on a scale of 1-5, 1 being “poor = sad” and 5 being “outstanding = laughand some written text;

Submitting one questionnaire per partner organisation should be sufficient; however, it is up to you to return more questionnaires if more representatives of your organisation attended the meeting.

There are 13 questions in this survey.
  A note on privacy
This survey is anonymous.
The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.

1. The meeting

Were you satisfied with the preparation work for the meeting?
Help(E.g. quantity and quality of information flow before the meeting; communication management from promoter/hosting organisation)
Were you satisfied with the agenda of the meeting?
Help(E.g. structure, time, involvement of partners, discussion points)
Were you satisfied with the general working atmosphere during the meeting?
Help(E.g. Did all partners have the opportunity to contribute to the project meeting? Was everybody’s opinion heard and respected?)
Were you satisfied with the way the meeting was managed?
Help(E.g. management, social and communication competences; time management; conflict management; quality and quantity of input from the promoter’s side?)
Do you think the meeting was generally successful?
Help(Do you think the members of the project group were able to make some progress or to achieve relevant results?)
2. Project development

Were you aware of the preparations/main developments in the DISCO SMS project in this project phase?
Help(E.g. preparations, intellectual outputs, quality development, dissemination activities )
Are you satisfied with the partner contributions to the project?
Help(E.g. professional competences, quantity and quality of input; communication and social skills; time/crises/conflict competences)
If you look ahead to the next project phase, are you fully aware of your role in this phase? Do you know what will be expected from you?
Help(E.g. activities, events, research, development)

If you look ahead to the next steps to the project, do you feel the project will make positive developments?

Help(E.g. risks, threats, problems as well as chances, opportunities)
Are you satisfied with the quantity and quality of achievements made in this phase of the project?
3. Genearal aspects

Were you satisfied with the on-line Adobe Connect Pro environment and the Network quality?
Were you satisfied with the internal technial management of the day of the on-line timing with breaks and overall time requirement to stay on-line ?
4. Other

If there is anything else you want to express in regard to the parnter meeting (things you really liked, things you did not like at all, things you missed, things that could be improved next time etc.), please use the space below: